So, you’re ready to surrender?


I suspect you’d not have navigated to this page unless. If I had to guess, you’ve found yourself here as if via psychography, wild-eyed and possessed with reverence. You are enraptured, enchanted, eager for experience. There is now no alternative trajectory but to rapidly - rabidly - follow this fervid curiosity out to it’s still-hidden horizons. The sediment is stirred, and only I can settle it.
Whilst I appreciate My inspiring of primitive impulse, before you continue, I need you to take a deep breath, engage again with your more-mindful thinking, and carefully read the following:

I am deservedly discerning with the deviants I accept, selecting only those perverts and playthings with an exceptional degree of self insight, a proportional degree of humility, and an insatiate inquisitiveness for all else outside them. You recognise this, and know your devotion to be worthy.

Before you submit this application, you will have thoroughly read My Fine Print and FAQ pages. You will have studied My preferences and policies with pious dedication. You will show inspired initiative in attracting and holding My attention, whether with well-considered gifting, generous patronage, or otherwise artfully-actioned submission in and out of scene.

After you have submitted this application, and only provided it has been completed to My expectations, you may expect a response via email in 24 - 72hrs. Should you desire a faster response or a sooner session, you may pay a rush fee of $100 here.